Honor the memory of a loved one by donating a memorial gift to support The Perfect World Foundation’s work with wildlife, nature and the environment in crisis. Our goal is to leave behind a healthy and sustainable planet for future generations.
After you have completed the payment for your memorial gift, you will automatically be directed to a form where you enter:
- who the memorial gift is honouring
- email address to the funeral home that will receive the message about your memorial gift
- a short tribute
- who the memorial gift is from
When you have filled in the information above and click on the ‘Submit button’ an email message will be sent, to the funeral home you specified, with the name of the person you want to honour, your tribute greeting, the name of the person who sent the memorial gift (your details) and a brief description of The Perfect World’s work.
Donate a Memorial Gift
When you donate a memorial gift you support The Perfect World’s work with animals, nature and the climate.