1.5 Million SEK for a New Turtle Center – The Perfect World Foundation

1.5 Million SEK for a New Turtle Center

The Perfect World Foundation has collaborated with the haircare brand Maria Nila for several years to save the planet’s biological diversity. This partnership goes under the name “THE FRIENDLY YEAR,” and each year, The Perfect World Foundation selects a specific focus area for Maria Nila’s donations. Over the past year, we have managed to raise 1,500,000 SEK for TPWF’s partner, the Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre. This enables us to finance the construction of a complete rehabilitation center for turtles off the coast of Cairns, Australia.

Ghost Nets and Plastic Harm Turtles

Sea turtles can become entangled in ghost nets or ingest plastic that drifts in our oceans, often mistaking it for food. The Perfect World Foundation’s representative, Daniel Wilke, along with our ambassadors Jena Goldsack and Megan Williams, visited Cairns earlier this year to investigate how TPWF can best contribute to the preservation of marine life at the Great Barrier Reef off Cairns.

The new center will be built on Green Island, and there we will not only be able to support the care of injured turtles but also engage in satellite tracking of rehabilitated turtles released into the wild, conduct research on the ecological impact on endangered and vulnerable species, and participate regularly in cleanup efforts both at sea and on the beaches.

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